Sunday, March 10, 2013

Protein Energy Balls

Lately I've been on a health kick.  I started doing Insanity 2 weeks ago, and we are focusing more on eating clean.  Here's the problem: I am a chocolate addict.  Seriously people. It's bad.  I can honestly say that I don't really feel guilty when I inhale half a bag of Hershey Kisses while watching a movie.  But, alas, I knew there was a healthier way.

Now, I have a whole board dedicated to eating clean.  Most of the recipes I've tried, and honestly aren't too bad, some are actually REALLY good.  This one falls into the REALLY good category. 
Here is the original Pin

My favorite snack ever! These things are amazing!! So healthy!! No-Bake Energy Bites 1 cup (dry) oatmeal 1/2 cup chocolate chips 1/2 cup peanut butter 1/2 cup ground flaxseed 1/3 cup honey 1 tsp. vanilla

Looks pretty tasty right?  I looked up the ingredients list and I had all but one thing, which could be omitted if I wanted to.  Score!  So I got out my mixing bowl and the ingredients and got to work. 

1c Oats
1/2c Peanut butter (I used all natural)
1/2c chocolate chips (I used the mini chips)
1/3c Honey (I used clear Agave Nectar, and not 1/3c of it..I would say half that)
1/2c Flax Seed
1tsp vanilla extract

Mix all ingredients together, let chill in refrigerator for 30m
Roll into 1" balls, return to the refrigerator

Easy peasy lemon greesy, as my 6 year old would say!  These are super fast to make and SUPER yummy!  They taste like a no bake cookie.  They're great when I'm craving sweets!  And I won't feel guilty.

So, people-if you're clean eating or not-try these! You won't feel guilty for eating them, or letting your kids eat them. Pin It

How to Remove Crayon From Fabric

I have neglected the blog. I can admit it. BUT in my absence I have given birth to our fourth (yes...FOURTH!) child, so I have been busy. Back to the reason for this post.  My three older children's birthday's were last month.  Seeing how the need new toys like Taylor Swift needs another ex-boyfriend we got them mainly clothes.  I had found this super cute yellow striped cardigan & teal jeggings from The Children's Place and gotten them for Miss Fluffy. 

The day the box with the clothes arrived, I put them on her. Of course she looks adorbs.  AND because these are brand new clothes I'm super anal about her not staining them.  Family of 6 + 1 income = not a lot of extra money to replace clothes.  So, she made it through lunch, dinner, snacks... no stains! Awesome! I call her to the living room to get her jammers on before bed and what do I see??  Magenta crayon on the thighs of those brand new teal jeggings.  Yes...MAGENTA! Oh I was mad.  This happened early February and she's STILL grounded from crayons.  She's four people-she knows better.  Anyway. I, of course, went to Pinterest to figure out how to remove the crayon from the fabric.  I've heard of a few different ways, but the most common on was to sandwich the fabric in between paper towel and crank up the iron.  Supposedly the heat from the iron would transfer the crayon wax onto the paper towel. Viola- no more crayon stain. 

I don't think I actually re-pinned this one because it was so self explanatory that if it worked I wouldn't need to go and look back on it, I would just remember.  Well, guess what? Didn't work.  But I did burn the ever loving crap out of my forearm on the iron while reaching for something in the cabinet.  Here's my lovely scar. wahh! It does look a little like a sluggy alien with it's mouth open though..

File this one under bust ladies and gentleman.  Tried it. Burnt my arm. Didn't work.
Update: I was able to get the crayon out with a good saturation of Clorox 2 stain remover spray.
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