Leigh Anne

Hey all- I’m LA, a wife and mom of 3, and a beginner in the crafter world.  I used to think that I didn’t have a crafty bone in my body, but after discovering Pinterest I realized that A) I really just have no imagination, and B) I can follow directions better than I expected.  I’m not at the level that Jen is by any stretch of the imagination- but that is what this blog is for!  It’s to show you how easy (or not so easy) it is to do those millions of pins you know you’ve pinned, for both the accomplished crafter and the not-so-accomplished crafter.  I’m not gonna lie- it’s also to motivate me to pick up my mod podge and get to work.  It’s also a good reason to test the 5 bazillion desserts that I have pinned.  It’s my duty!

5 random facts about me:
1.  I hate the word moist.  Even typing it makes me feel dirty.  Yuck.
2.  My kids are ages 18, 11, and 4.  Apparently I’m fertile every 7 years.
3.  I overuse, commas, a lot,.  I just, can’t help, myself.
4.  I’m starting my diet tomorrow. ß I’ve been saying that for at least a year now.
5.  My husband is 5 years younger than I am.  From what I’ve read the man has to be at least 7 years younger before you are considered a cougar.  I was thisclose!

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