Friday, August 10, 2012

Recovering a Cell Phone Cover

Hey everyone, Jen here!  I'm sure there's MANY of you out there, like me, who have pinned a bunch of cute (probably expensive) cell phone covers on Pinterest.  Here's the deal, I'm cheap.  I refuse to spend over $10 on a cellphone case. When I was up in Michigan, I hit up TJ Maxx and they happened to have a cell phone cover on clearance for $2. Perfect!  Unfortunately, it looked like something a 12-15 year old would have on their phones, not an almost 30 year old mother of 3 (soon to be 4).  So I got to work on recovering it.

I don't really have a singular inspirational Pin for this project, but I do have 4-5 covers Pinned.

Here's what you'll need:
-Mod Podge-I don't think it really matters if you use matte or gloss finish.  I used matte for attaching the fabric and gloss for a top coat.
-Scissors, I also ended up using pinking shears to cut out the camera hole area
-Sponge brush
-Fabric of choice ( I LOVE this bird fabric, I bought it years ago at Joanne's and have been hoarding it)
-Cell phone cover

Step 1: Coat the cover in Mod Podge

Step 2: Lay on your fabric and smooth it out, making sure to not get any bubbles or wrinkles.  Do the back first, then work on the sides

Step 3:  Let dry, then trim you fabric. Hindsight being 20/20, make sure you don't trim it too short to cover the front.  I trimmed mine a little too short and some of the hot pink showed through. Once fabric is trimmed use more Mod Podge and work the edges down. This might take a little bit, and a few applications to get the fabric to lay flat, and stay there.

Step 4: Once you get all of your edges down, and it's dry, cut out the camera hole.  I forgot to do this until the end, so I don't have a photo of this step.  After you get your camera hole cut out, cover all of the fabric in a layer of Mod Podge (this is where I used gloss).  If you're feeling really fancy, you can mix in some glitter with this layer of Mod Podge..not my style, but just saying. :)

Step 5: Let it dry, then put it on your phone. :) Done!
Here is my new phone cover on my phone. 

Total Project Cost: $2.00. I already had everything else. :)

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