Saturday, September 6, 2014

Sophie's Room

To keep with the turning a house into a home theme.  I thought I should show part of Sophie's room.  This is the wall above her bed.  I had seen a little girls room on Pinterest that I absolutely loved.  Recreating our version of this room is not finished.  But this little spot is pretty much complete (except for the trim!).
Isn't this great!?  Her bed is bright yellow, almost the same shade as the yellow frame.
The pink open frame I got on clearance at Hobby Lobby for around $2.  I added some twine, mini clothes pins and a Project Life card and it's finish!
The yellow frame is from Walmart.  It think it was around $5.  I have yet to figure out what photo to put in it.
You are My Sunshine and Beach prints are from Gordmans.  Can't remember the price of these, but I know they were very reasonable.
Hoop art is from London and Granger on Instagram.
Heart garland is by Bub & Nonnie on Instagram.
Canvas print is by me.

Not bad for a clearance frame!

Close up of the gorgeous hoop art by London and Granger

DIY canvas wrap print.  Print on to some tissue paper, Mod Podge it on a canvas and there you have it!
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I'm back baby..with a school organization board!

So, it's has been quite some time since I've posted on here!  We have since moved into what we hope to be a long term house.  I'm finally getting around to turning this house into our home...while working 2 jobs and trying to be Supermom.

Kyin & Sophie just started back up at school this past week, which means lunch menus, tons of papers sent home and of course, homework.  While staying with my in-laws we had a large cork board that we used to put all of the kids papers on.  I missed having a go to spot in this house for their stuff.  While cleaning the dining room and front room today I got a bug in my butt to set up a spot for their stuff.  I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.

I ended up mixing a bunch of different ideas I found on Pinterest to create our area.  It's not quite finished, as I want to frame it with rulers/yard sticks but I can't for the life of me find any!

Here it is!  
Roll of cork board,  I found this at Hobby Lobby for $14.99. Thank the Lord for 40% off coupons.  I did look at Joanne's for the cork board, but did not find any.  
1.5 yards of Burlap, $5
Project Life cards, $4.99
Pre-cut Plywood, (2) $4.99
Acrylic Paint, $1.79.  You can use any color, to keep with a traditional chalk board, I went with black.
Push Pins & Small Binder Clips, $5
Clear Chalkboard Coating Paint $2.99 at Hobby Lobby
Hot Glue, Sharpie, Chalk, Acrylic Paint marker

Lay out your burlap, then lay the cork board on top (cut to the size you want).  I double layered the cork board and hot glued the edges, as mine was fairly thin.  I then trimmed the burlap so there was enough for a 2" overlap and hot glued it to the back, pulling it as tight as I could.  It was still a little loose, but not terrible.  I hung mine by nailing it into place.  It's fairly flimsy, so I couldn't think of another way to hang it.  To make the chalk board- I bought pre-cut plywood at the craft store and painted it with black acrylic paint.  Once that was dry I put a horizontal coat of the chalkboard coating on it.  The bottle says to let it set for 1 hour, I let it sit for maybe 45 minutes.  Then I put a vertical coat of it.  It's recommended that you let it set for 24 hours.  No way I was waiting that long.  I let it sit for about another 30 minutes.  I then 'seasoned' the chalk board by running a piece of chalk on it's side all over the board.  This is supposed to help avoid ghost images on the chalk board.  Once the board had been seasoned I hung that sucker up too.  I will be framing it out with yardsticks, once I can find some.   

Close up of Kyin's space. I couldn't find any cute thumb tacks, so I bought plain silver ones and painted them.  I thumb tacked the binder clips in place.  The name card is a Project Life card.

Aren't these adorable!?  I might just change them out with the different seasons.  Love love love the Project Life products!

Again with the Project Life!  This is one of the journaling cards.  I used it for a reminder of the kids daily school activities.  I normally forget about Library day, hopefully this will help me!

The lunch menu. So I can remember when to pack cold lunches. 

My little chalk board.  I used a white acrylic paint marker to write on it, then chalk for the daily activities. 

My birthday reminder board.  My husband hates this, but I think it's cute.  Just a wooden plaque from Joannes, a knob from hobby lobby, twine, and some tags from Hobby Lobby. 

My other chalkboard I made. This one is going to be 100% chalk so I can change it out whenever I feel like it. 


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