Saturday, September 6, 2014

I'm back baby..with a school organization board!

So, it's has been quite some time since I've posted on here!  We have since moved into what we hope to be a long term house.  I'm finally getting around to turning this house into our home...while working 2 jobs and trying to be Supermom.

Kyin & Sophie just started back up at school this past week, which means lunch menus, tons of papers sent home and of course, homework.  While staying with my in-laws we had a large cork board that we used to put all of the kids papers on.  I missed having a go to spot in this house for their stuff.  While cleaning the dining room and front room today I got a bug in my butt to set up a spot for their stuff.  I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.

I ended up mixing a bunch of different ideas I found on Pinterest to create our area.  It's not quite finished, as I want to frame it with rulers/yard sticks but I can't for the life of me find any!

Here it is!  
Roll of cork board,  I found this at Hobby Lobby for $14.99. Thank the Lord for 40% off coupons.  I did look at Joanne's for the cork board, but did not find any.  
1.5 yards of Burlap, $5
Project Life cards, $4.99
Pre-cut Plywood, (2) $4.99
Acrylic Paint, $1.79.  You can use any color, to keep with a traditional chalk board, I went with black.
Push Pins & Small Binder Clips, $5
Clear Chalkboard Coating Paint $2.99 at Hobby Lobby
Hot Glue, Sharpie, Chalk, Acrylic Paint marker

Lay out your burlap, then lay the cork board on top (cut to the size you want).  I double layered the cork board and hot glued the edges, as mine was fairly thin.  I then trimmed the burlap so there was enough for a 2" overlap and hot glued it to the back, pulling it as tight as I could.  It was still a little loose, but not terrible.  I hung mine by nailing it into place.  It's fairly flimsy, so I couldn't think of another way to hang it.  To make the chalk board- I bought pre-cut plywood at the craft store and painted it with black acrylic paint.  Once that was dry I put a horizontal coat of the chalkboard coating on it.  The bottle says to let it set for 1 hour, I let it sit for maybe 45 minutes.  Then I put a vertical coat of it.  It's recommended that you let it set for 24 hours.  No way I was waiting that long.  I let it sit for about another 30 minutes.  I then 'seasoned' the chalk board by running a piece of chalk on it's side all over the board.  This is supposed to help avoid ghost images on the chalk board.  Once the board had been seasoned I hung that sucker up too.  I will be framing it out with yardsticks, once I can find some.   

Close up of Kyin's space. I couldn't find any cute thumb tacks, so I bought plain silver ones and painted them.  I thumb tacked the binder clips in place.  The name card is a Project Life card.

Aren't these adorable!?  I might just change them out with the different seasons.  Love love love the Project Life products!

Again with the Project Life!  This is one of the journaling cards.  I used it for a reminder of the kids daily school activities.  I normally forget about Library day, hopefully this will help me!

The lunch menu. So I can remember when to pack cold lunches. 

My little chalk board.  I used a white acrylic paint marker to write on it, then chalk for the daily activities. 

My birthday reminder board.  My husband hates this, but I think it's cute.  Just a wooden plaque from Joannes, a knob from hobby lobby, twine, and some tags from Hobby Lobby. 

My other chalkboard I made. This one is going to be 100% chalk so I can change it out whenever I feel like it. 


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