Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Home Organizer Binder

Pinterest is a great place to make you feel like your home is in shambles. I don't know about you, but I go on there and see all of these organizing tips and tricks and feel like I am an unorganized hoarder. So, I took it upon myself to make a 'home organizer binder'. I don't know if it was a moment if clarity or a mad craze of nesting (#4 is due in less than 10 wks!).

So, this Pinterest project isn't directed at just 1 pin, but a multitude of pins. I actually have an entire board directed towards "getting organized". Here is the link to that board, with a majority of the printouts I used pinned on there.

My main reason for making this binder is because my in-laws will be with my kids while I'm in the hospital giving birth. I liked the idea of having everything in one spot: phone numbers, medical release forms, weekly overview, days of the week in depth, calendars, menu plan for the week/grocery list, daily cleaning schedule, folders for everyone's papers (mainly for Kyin's homework), my coupons, and I added a section for planning out Christmas.

I've been using this organizer for about 2 weeks now (and I think my printer has just now recovered from its over use!) and I have to say...it's has actually changed my daily schedule. It has made me hold myself accountable to my daily cleaning, and it's nice to have my schedule right in front of me!

All in all, if you're not anal and you need a little oomph to get organized and get stuff done, this is the way to do it. I honestly recommend it. Really. I'll end this post with a few pictures if my family binder.

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