Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Magic Blackhead Remover?

Hey everyone, Jen here! So my older two are in bed, hubs is watching soccer...why not cruise Pinterest for some inspiration right?? So, as I'm checking out my peeps recent Pins I came across a blackhead remover. Sweet! I'm pregnant and get horrid blackheads when I'm preggo. So seeing how it only needed 3 things that I had, I figured I'd give it a shot.
Here is the original Pin
Getting rid of Blackheads: Take gel facial wash and mix with a tbsp of baking soda & a tbsp of salt. Apply to damp skin with cotton pad; leave for 5 mins. SO GROSS!
It says "Getting rid of Blackheads: Take gel facial wash and mix with a tbsp of baking soda & a tbsp of salt. Apply to damp skin with cotton pad; leave for 5 mins. SO GROSS!"

Sounds good! So, I check out the website linked to the Pin, because lets face it, the description didn't give all that much info. Well, website is in Russian. I tried to translate it with Google Chrome, but the pin wasn't on the first page, and there was no search option to figure out where it was as, so I gave up.  I figured I'd mix enough face wash with the salt and baking soda until it made a paste. 
So I get my paste all ready to go and start applying. My 19m old thought I looked crazy-I could tell by the way he stared at my face. I put it on my chin and nose, let it set for the recommended 5m and used a wet towel to remove it. 

Results: No difference in amount or look of blackheads :( Now I just have burning skin. I burns bad! I'm worried I'll have chemical peel looking skin for my ultrasound tomorrow. Eek!

So ya'll, take it from me-don't do it! Pin It

1 comment:

  1. How does your skin feel now a few days later? Any better? Blackheads any better?
